A few of my favorites:
Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point’?, The New York Times Magazine, Jan. 2023 (supported by the Pulitzer Center; selected for 2024's Best American Science and Nature Writing)
‘My Gang Is Jesus’: Brazil’s evangelicals face the temptations of the drug trade, Harper's, Feb. 2020 (supported by the Pulitzer Center; featured on Longform; PDF here)
For Art's Sake: The crimes that fueled an extravagant Brazilian museum, Bloomberg Businessweek, June 2018 (featured on Longform; PDF here)
Songs From Sinjar: How ISIS is hastening the end of the Yezidis’ ancient oral tradition, Lapham's Quarterly, Sept. 2017
A few of my stories for The New Yorker:
Ryan Lochte and Brazil's Third Rail, Aug. 2016
Brazil's Olympics Meets Its Favelas, Aug. 2016
For The Atlantic:
Brazil Turns Its Back on Democracy, Oct. 2018
The Rot in Brazil's Anti-Corruption Crusade, Feb. 2018
The Broken Promise of the Rio Olympics, Aug. 2016
For The Washington Post:
Ghosts of Brazil’s past haunt presidential impeachment crisis, March 2016 (includes an interview with Bolsonaro before anyone thought he might be president!)
Zika exposes class differences in Brazil, where most victims are poor, Feb. 2016 (front-page story)
For The Nation:
Brazillionaires book excerpts and related pieces:
Shave the Billionaire: Miraculously, Brazil is jailing its tycoons, The Baffler, May 2017
The Brazillionaire: On Eike Batista, The Times Magazine (UK), July 2016
‘He Steals, but He Gets Things Done,’ Slate, July 2016
Counting to a Billion: How that list of the world's richest people gets made, The Awl, March 2016
The Billionaire Bishop: A pastor gathers followers and dollars, and criminal investigations (featured on Longform; PDF here) , Bloomberg Businessweek, April 2013
And one old story I still kind of like: